OrCAD/Allegro是世界上最好、最专业的软件仿真分析电子电路和电子设计自动化软件部门(electronic design automation,简称EDA)之一。OrCAD由两个词组成,实际上俄勒冈州是软件早期版本的诞生地,CAD代表计算机辅助设计,计算机设计手段由此形成。Cadence SPB OrCAD OrCAD PCB集又称Allegro PCB,包括各种程序来设计原理图,仿真和分析电子是电路。
Facilities and software features of Cadence SPB OrCAD:
-suitable graphical user environments and display circuit using icons
-OrCAD Capture and Capture CIS schematic design circuits in powerful environment
-Ability to design PCB (Printed Circuit Board stands and means the board or PCB)
-has an extensive library full of components and electronic devices
-Advanced simulation and analysis electronic circuits in a graphical environment PSpice
-environment Orcad PCB Designer / Editor to design and edit PCB
-Ability to interact with MATLAB and Simulink software
System Requirements:
OS:Windows 10 (64-bit) Professional, including Dark Theme mode; Windows Server 2012 (All Service Packs); Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2016.
CPU: Intel® Core™ i7 4.30 GHz or AMD Ryzen™ 7 4.30 GHz with at least 4 cores
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Space: 50 GB free disk space (SSD drive is recommended)
Display: 1920 x 1200 display resolution with true color (at least 32bit color)
GPU: A dedicated graphics card supporting OpenGL, minimum 2GB (with additional support for DX11 for 3D Canvas)
Monitors: Dual monitors (For physical design)
Supported MATLAB Version: R2019A-64Bit (For the PSpice-MATLAB interface)
操作系统:Windows 10(64位)专业版,包含Dark Theme模式;Windows Server 2012(所有服务包);Windows Server 2012 R2;Windows Server 2016。
CPU: Intel®Core™i7 4.30 GHz或AMD Ryzen™7 4.30 GHz,至少4核
内存:16gb RAM
显示:1920 x 1200显示分辨率,真彩色(至少32位彩色)
GPU:支持OpenGL的专用显卡,最小2GB(另外还支持DX11的3D Canvas)
支持的MATLAB版本:R2019A-64Bit (PSpice-MATLAB接口)