这是一个多模式音序器插件。有6个音序器模式可用(酸,黑暗,M5816, Step16, Hexa, Euclid)。有4个调制信号发生器和8个宏控制可用于参数调制。
It’s a multimode sequencer plugin. There are 6 sequencer modes available (Acid, Dark, M5816, Step16, Hexa, Euclid). There are 4 modulation signal generators and 8 macro controls available for parameter modulation.
You can also insert MIDI effects after the sequencer engine output.
There are 9 MIDI effects available (Octave, Transpose, Scale, Harmonizer, Velocity, Note Chance, Note Echo, MIDI Ctrl, MIDI CC).
Finally you export the results as a MIDI file using the MIDI recorder.
Main Features
6 sequencer engines (Acid, Dark, M5816, Step16, Hexa, Euclid).
4 modulation signal generators and 8 macro controls.
Drag and drop modulation assignment.
MIDI FX (9 effect type).
MIDI Recorder.
Sequencer pattern snapshot.
Re-scalable interface.
Midi learn.
Platform: VST2, VST3 32/64bit