
This program allows you to impose a variety of static and dynamic loads in different circumstances and scenarios is possible in this area is one of the best programs on the market. One of the advantages of this software does not need to import and export data between different applications. You do not need to do that in a bridge design. In another application, go into analysis and so on. All capabilities from design to analysis in this application there. Integration capabilities in a single application, one of the biggest advantages of this product.
The product code analysis for the design to be clever when you will be notified. All Kdchkhay done on a separate sheet with full information and formulas that allow manual adjustment and view the results as well. This data is based on changes in the design of the bridge is Brzvrsany do automatically. After the design is rich and full reports will be available which can put the necessary information with other professionals. And finally complete with the program guide that provides answers to all the questions you have

OS:Microsoft Windows 10
CPU:Intel® Pentium® processor or greater
Memory:2 GB RAM (minimum)
Display Resolution:1024 x 768 (1600 x 1050 or higher recommended) with True Color
Optional software:A Java™ runtime environment and a PDF reader are required to view calculations formatted as a PDF file.