Siemens Star CCM+ 2302 v18.02.010-R8 Double Precision x64 Multilingual

Siemens 公司最近发布最新版:Star CCM+ 2302


STAR-CCM+ 不仅仅只是一个 CFD 求解器,它还是一个解决流体或固体流、传热和应力等相关问题的完整工程过程。

STAR-CCM+ 在解决与多物理和复杂几何形状相关的问题方面拥有无可比拟的优势。 STAR-CCM+ 可在单个程序环境中利用最少的用户投入生产高质量的结果,为此它获得了用户的广泛好评。

Designed to fit easily within your existing engineering process, STAR-CCM+ 可与用户现有的工程流程兼容,帮助用户实现模拟工作流的全自动化,并利用最少的用户互动执行迭代设计研究。



Siemens 致力于通过使用工程模拟帮助公司和组织获得成功。 成功的关键因素就是 STAR-CCM+。

File Size: 4 GB

Predicting the real-world performance of a product requires simulation tools that span a variety of engineering disciplines. STAR-CCM+ is an all-in-one solution that delivers accurate and efficient multidisciplinary technologies in a single integrated user interface.

Don’t just simulate, innovate!
In order to design better products, engineers need to predict the consequence of any design changes on the real-world performance of their product, for better or for worse. Historically those predictions came from hand calculations or from the experimental testing of physical prototypes. Today, engineering simulation offers comprehensive predictions that are usually more accurate and always less expensive than experimental testing. Deployed effectively, these can be used to improve a design through multiple iterations. Ultimately this results in higher quality and more robust products that better fulfill customer expectations. Unlike other methods, engineering simulation also offers the benefit of exploring the performance of a product over the full range of operating conditions that it is likely to face in its working life, rather than just at a handful of carefully chosen “design points.” However, not all engineering simulation tools are created equal. In order to provide a constant stream of relevant engineering data, simulation software must be…………


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