Close All Windows是一款小巧实用的系统优化工具。工作过程中,电脑程序窗口开的过多会导致电脑反应变慢,一个一个关闭很麻烦,还特别容易卡住,这时候如果工作内容又正好没保存的话就相当于白忙活了。这款一键关闭运行程序就能很好的帮助用户避免这种问题的发生了。此处的Windows代表窗口,即正在运行的应用程序,并不是微软注册的那个哦!当用户运行了一大堆的应用程序时,只需要点击一次软件可全部关闭,是不是很方便快捷呢?软件内存特别小,不占用系统任何资源。
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Close All Windows (or CloseAll) is a small enhancement utility for Windows that flashes a ‘close’ signal to all running applications and then ceases. What can be easier than a task list with check boxes and OK button? You can select multiple apps by clicking them in the list and then click the OK button to close selected apps or use individual close buttons to close apps one by one.
CloseAll is an ultimate task management tool: you can choose different sorting and grouping options, customize the size of icons, search for apps by typing any part of their window title or app name…………