Ansys Motor-CAD是一款专用的电机设计工具,可用于在整个扭矩-速度工作范围内进行快速多物理场仿真。
Motor-CAD使设计工程师能够评估整个工作范围内的电机拓扑和概念,以生成在性能、效率和尺寸方面进行优化的设计。Motor-CAD 软件包含四个集成模块 — EMag、Therm、Lab、Mech — 可以快速迭代完成多物理场计算,因此用户可以缩短从概念到最终设计的用时。
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Motor Design Limited (MDL) is a world leader in the development of advanced software design tools for electrical machines. MDL uses its expert knowledge of electric motor design to provide software and support to electric machine designers at some of the world’s most prestigious companies. The consultancy arm of MDL has gone from strength to strength with projects ranging from simple problem solving, such as solving thermal issues, to complete electric motor design for various and complex industrial applications. One thing all MDL customers have in common is the reassurance of knowing that their needs will be met by our team of skilled motor designers whose commitment to customers and after-sales service is renowned.