Siemens NX 1973 Build 3701 (NX 1953 Series)破解版下载

Siemens NX 软件是一种灵活且功能强大的集成解决方案,可帮助您更快、更高效地交付更好的产品。NX 提供下一代设计、仿真和制造解决方案,使公司能够实现数字孪生的价值。
NX 支持产品开发的各个方面,从概念设计到工程和制造,为您提供了一个集成的工具集,可以协调学科、保持数据完整性和设计意图,并简化整个过程。


NX for Design
作为业界最强大、灵活和创新的产品开发解决方案,NX for Design 的特性、性能和功能可帮助您以前所未有的速度将产品推向市场。
NX for Design 使您能够使用更多的虚拟产品模型和更少、更昂贵的物理原型,“第一时间”交付产品。这会带来市场收益、降低开发成本并提高产品质量。
NX for Manufacturing
使用一个软件系统编程 CNC 机床、控制机器人单元、驱动 3D 打印机和监控质量。数字化改造您的零件制造业务,以提高生产力和盈利能力。
复杂组件的端到端开发过程需要一致的信息管理和对细节的关注,因此实施高效的紧固件管理过程对于保持任何程序按计划进行至关重要。Syncrofit 软件组合为设计和制造过程提供了一种并行方法,使用户能够有效地应对零件和装配相互依赖性的复杂性。Syncrofit 是唯一经过生产验证、集成 CAD 的商用现成解决方案 (COTS),用于管理复杂的装配体。
这种复杂的装配设计和制造的集成方法使用户能够做出明智的设计决策,从而使设计实现的整体路径更加顺畅。Syncrofit 软件组合提供早期和持续的设计规则验证、繁琐设计任务的自动化和 BOM 更新,以防止下游紧固件采购问题并在整个设计和制造过程中改善内部和与供应商的沟通。
在定义一架飞机内的数千个甚至数百万个零件时,紧固件类型、位置、规格、采购和安装要求会迅速增加。Syncrofit 让您高枕无忧,因为您知道装配的每个方面都将按规定、按时、按预算落实到位。


Siemens NX 1973 Build 3701 (NX 1953 Series) – Date: September 2021

Release,PR Number,Description,Application,Function,Sub_Function
1973.37,8439631,NCM Clearance Bounding-Cylinder/-Boxno recognition in direction Z-,CAM,PLANAR_MILLING,NON_CUT_MOVES
1973.37,8471359,Assembly TDP will display all flat patterns of children on by default,DEX_COMPONENTS,PRC_ADAPTER,PRC_WRITE
1973.37,8471679,Unable to Fit/Construct a Circle of a known size to 2 Measured Lines / Arcs,CMM_INSPECTION,PATH,ALL
1973.37,8478758,Step AP242 interface,TRANSLATOR,STEP_AP242,STEP_TO_UG
1973.37,9971342,Internal error occurs while exporting Drawing to DWG with existing part option,TRANSLATOR,DXF_DWG,EXPORT_DRAFTING
1973.37,9975710,Unable to open JT file in NX1934,GATEWAY,OPEN_JT,UNDETERMINED
1973.37,9982118,F1 Help goes to the wrong place,UGDOC,GENERAL,ALL
1973.37,9990886,Customized Fastener assembly is created out of position,KDA,REUSE_LIBRARY,FASTENER_ASMBLY
1973.37,9993137,Occur internal error when import JT file in NX 1926,GATEWAY,OPEN_JT,UNDETERMINED
1973.37,10037825,Internal Error: Memory Access Violation – Opening JT files in NX1953 series cust,GATEWAY,OPEN_JT,UNDETERMINED
1973.37,10039914,”Publish NX Join hardware from reuse Library, fails”,JOIN,ALL,ALL
1973.37,10041045,”Function “”Close Range Visibility”” with the STL-Data result of Blind Volume”,KDA,GENERAL_PACKAGE,CLOSE_RANGE_VIS
1973.37,10041789,Incorrect display of thumbnails in the Shape Search form for the NX,KDA,SHAPESEARCH,SEARCH
1973.37,10045377,”Update Issue “”A-Pillar Obstruction”” using Basedatasource to replace Basedata”,KDA,GENERAL_PACKAGE,APILLAR_OBSCURE
1973.37,10048217,Incorrect Face points reported after Export file,DESIGN,INFO_ANALYSIS,GEOM_PROPERTIES
1973.37,10051616,”””Windshield Vision Zones”” Offset Value of Shade Band Curves cannot be set to “”0″””,KDA,GENERAL_PACKAGE,WS_VISION_ZONES
1973.37,10054195,NX is saving dataset kinematics only when Kinematic is fully defined,MFG_LINE_DESIG,GENERAL,ALL
1973.37,10056294,Macro pause recorded & Graphics Altered,SYSENG,UI_TOOLS,VISUAL_ASSIST
1973.37,10060478,Problem with Assembly Cut when closing and reopening a subassembly.,ASSEMBLIES,PROMOTION,ALL
1973.37,10060952,TC IMPORT Error – The specified Product Content specialization did not correspon,NXMANAGER,CLONE_IMPORT,IMPORT_ASSEMBLY
1973.37,10063669,NXMGR: SM sends wrong configured assembly to NX using Occurrence Effectivity,NXMANAGER,FILE_OPEN,STRUCTURE_SYNC
1973.37,10065228,Raw material is lost,CAM,OPERATION,OTHER
1973.37,10065403,2D Exchange does not open external translating window,TRANSLATOR,UGTO2D,EXPORT_ASSEMBLY
1973.37,10078401,”””Delete Component Pattern”” Dialog does not work properly when using Del-Key”,ASSEMBLIES,ASSEMBLY_MODEL,COMP_PATTERN
1973.37,10081301,Problem with Assembly Cut when closing and reopening a subassembly.,ASSEMBLIES,PROMOTION,ALL
1973.37,10081533,”tcin_import Fails with error “”The requested SOA object property is not loaded”””,NXMANAGER,CLONE_IMPORT,IMPORT_ASSEMBLY
1973.37,10083225,Slow [add component] dialog display,ASSEMBLIES,ASSEMBLY_MODEL,COMP_ADD
1973.37,10085114,Mass properties,DESIGN,INFO_ANALYSIS,MASS_PROPERTIES
1973.37,10090174,”The behavior of “”Delete key”” is different from “”Delete command”””,ASSEMBLIES,ASSEMBLY_MODEL,COMP_PATTERN
1973.37,10091574,NXOpen – .Net DLL override or binding redirection,SYSENG,NXOPEN,.NET
1973.37,10093358,Error in NX New dialog for drawing while setting default Item type,NXMANAGER,FILE_NEW,ALL
1973.37,10094408,When trying to open CAM setup NX is crashing,CAM,ISV,MACH_CODE_BASED
1973.37,10095912,NX Not Displaying In-Context Transforms within MultiCAD (JT) Assembly When Loadi,NXMANAGER,FILE_OPEN,ARRANGEMEN_SYNC
1973.37,10097058,Internal error: Memory Access Violation when creating a T-weld over multiple bod,KDA,WELD_ASSISTANT,WELDING_JOINT
1973.37,10099723,Mold Wizard BOM show date attribute value 4 hours ahead,KDA,MOLDWIZARD,BOM
1973.37,10100309,Unable to open assembly in NX1953 and later due to ReferencePattern error,ASSEMBLIES,ASSEMBLY_MODEL,COMP_PATTERN
1973.37,10100710,Can’t import solidworks 2018 file into NX1969,ASSEMBLIES,PART_FILE_OPS,OPEN_SOLID_WORK
1973.37,10104555,Assembly open error – component reference pattern template cannot be redefined,ASSEMBLIES,ASSEMBLY_MODEL,COMP_PATTERN
1973.37,10113404,Unable to open ap242 reduced functionality is not working,TRANSLATOR,STEP_AP242,ALL
1973.37,10116284,Step file generated with command line is larger than when exported from NX,TRANSLATOR,STEP_AP203,EXPORT_GEOMETRY
1973.37,10117221,”STEP AP242 is not licensed, opening with reduced functionality – does not work”,TRANSLATOR,STEP_AP242,STEP_TO_UG
1973.37,10119951,Long loading time if insert a component from library in big Assembly,ASSEMBLIES,ASSEMBLY_MODEL,COMP_ADD
1973.37,10119999,Tooling Pocket Thread update fails for custom screw by reversed direction,KDA,PROGRESSIVE_DIE,POCKET_DESIGN
1973.37,10127445,Slider collision is occurred while during simulation,KDA,MOLDWIZARD,TOOLING_MOTION
1973.37,10133936,How to delete multiple parts placed in a part family,ASSEMBLIES,ASSEMBLY_MODEL,COMP_PATTERN
1973.37,10139611,Prog Die Edit Tooling Component performance issues,KDA,PROGRESSIVE_DIE,ALL
1973.37,10158985,Mold Wizard – Smart Screw – Update,KDA,PROGRESSIVE_DIE,ALL



System Requirements:
Win7 / 8.1 / 10 64-bit
Java RE 8 u45 64-bit minimum
Processor with SSSE3 support

Xeon 5100 Series
Xeon 5300 Series
Xeon 3000 Series
Core 2 Duo
Core 2 Extreme
Core 2 Quad
Core i7
Core i5
Core i3
Pentium Dual Core
Celeron 4xx Sequence Conroe-L
Celeron Dual Core E1200
Celeron M 500 series


– Microsoft Windows 10(64 位)专业版和企业版
Windows 10
Windows 10 是 NX 1926 的最低支持版本。支持的 Windows 版本10 是使用半年频道 (SAC) 更新的专业版和企业版。
Windows 7 和 8.1
Windows 7 的生命周期已经结束,主流支持已经结束。Microsoft 仍支持 Windows 8.1,但很少部署。NX 1926 不再支持这两个版本的 Windows。Siemens Digital Industries Software 尚未对这些版本进行测试,也无法解决与在这些操作系统上运行的 NX 1926 相关的任何问题。如果 NX 1926 部署在这些版本的 Windows 上,则必须在 Windows 10 上复制任何问题,然后才能向 GTAC 提交事件报告。
Windows XP 和 Vista
Microsoft 对 Windows XP 的支持已经结束,并且很少部署 Vista,因此 NX 1926 不支持这两个版本的 Windows。Siemens PLM Software 尚未对这些版本进行测试,也无法解决与在这些操作系统上运行的 NX 1926 相关的任何问题。如果 NX 1926 部署在这些版本的 Windows 上,则必须在 Windows 10 上复制任何问题,然后才能使用 GTAC
– 64 位 Windows 10 操作系统
– 最低 4 GB RAM,8 GB 或 16推荐 GB RAM
– 真彩色(32 位)或 1600 万色(24 位)
– 屏幕分辨率:1280 x 1024 或更高,宽屏格式



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