ACDSee Photo Studio 2022是全球第一款数字资产管理器和带图层的 RAW 编辑器,可以满足创意制图和摄影的需求。这款增强了 GPU 的软件以其整理能力、参数化相片编辑能力和基于性能的调整图层而闻名,让您能够更快地呈现镜头背后的故事。Photo Studio Ultimate 现在还具备人脸识别功能,能够以更多种方式非破坏性地定向至图像中的特定区域,可以灵活地控制颜色,还具有可以提高 DAM 生产力的工具,让您轻松超越自我和释放创意潜能。
Kaleidoscopes have the power to inspire the artistic eye to look at life from a different angle. In a similar vein, ACDSee Professional 2022 empowers photographers after the blink of a lens by granting them access to inspirational tools that can shape the world they share. Professional 2022 offers diverse new tools such as the time-saving Media Mode for interacting with the ACDSee photo database; and People Mode, an AI engine that seamlessly places a name to a face. A spectrum of new vision awaits you with Professional 2022’s improvements to Pixel Targeting, Tone Curves, and a sharper command of noise reduction………….
System Requirements:
– Microsoft® Windows® 7 (SP1), Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1, & Windows® 10 (64-bit editions only)
– Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 9+
– Microsoft® DirectX® 10 or higher
– Windows Media® Player 9.0
– Microsoft® Office 2010 or above