The Bentley development team is pleased to announce the availability of AutoPIPE CONNECT Edition V12 Update 8 ( is design and analysis application for calcula...
2022-05-03 0

BETA CAE Systems S.A公司总部位地希腊的赛萨罗尼奇市(Thessaloniki),是世界领先的软件工程公司之一,一直以来,致力于开发高性能的有限元分析前处理和后处理应用软件,在有限元前...
2022-05-03 0

Solid Edge is the most full-featured hybrid 2D / 3D CAD system that uses synchronous technology to accelerate design and editing process, as well as enhanced support for r...
2022-05-03 0

The PLAXIS development team is pleased to announce the availability of PLAXIS LE CONNECT Edition V21 Update 5 ( This software helps you efficiently manage co...
2022-05-03 0

DVDFab可无损复制DVD电影、NTSC或PAL制式DVD,这款是DVDFab破解版,包含DVDFab官方安装文件和破解补丁,帮助你轻松制作完美品质的DVD电影备份! DVDFab is the most powerful...
2022-05-02 0

DeskPack turns Adobe® Illustrator® into full-fledged packaging applications with a set of modules that fits any prepress environment. Deskpack is a collection of packaging...
2022-05-02 0

MAGIX Photostory Deluxe是一款非常专业的多媒体幻灯片制作软件,也是一款电子相册制作软件,说它专业,是因为它有专业的功能和效果,像添加音乐、文字、滤镜效果、颜色调节、图像优化...
2022-05-02 0

Moho Pro,别名「Anime Studio」,Moho™Pro 是寻找更有效的替代传统动画的专业人士的完美选择,借助直观的界面和强大的功能,如Smart Bones™,Smart Warp,Bezier手柄,针对动画,逐帧...
2022-05-02 0

ChemOffice is a scientifically intelligent, integrated suite of personal productivity tools that helps scientists to efficiently keep track of their work, gain a deeper un...
2022-05-02 0

Adobe Media Encoder 是一个非常优秀的视频音频编码器,能够将多种设备格式的音频或视频进行导出,提供了丰富的硬件设备编码格式设置以及专业设计的预设设置,方便用户导出与特定交付...
2022-04-28 0
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