2022-03-12 0

Autodesk® Alias® software products ― Alias® AutoStudio, Alias® Surface, Alias® Concept, Alias® SpeedForm and Alias® Design ―offer a premium range of tools for industrial designe...
2022-03-12 0

HSMWorks powerful plug and integrated CAM software solution is. It provides capabilities that will ultimately increase your productivity. This plug-in connection and proper coor...
2022-03-12 0

InfraWorks, formerly known as InfraWorks 360, is a product of Autodesk for designing and modeling urban infrastructure. With this program it is possible for engineers to build 3...
2022-03-12 0

The Bentley development team is pleased to announce the availability of AutoPIPE CONNECT Edition V12 Update 7 ( is design and analysis application for calculating p...
2022-03-12 0

3DF Zephyr allows you to reconstruct 3D models from photos automatically. The process is entirely automatic, and no coded targets, manual editing or special equipment are needed...
2022-03-12 0

使用标准的3D 绘图软件Adobe Substance 3D Painter 在3D 资源上实时应用纹理、材质和蒙版或UV 贴图。 为 3D 创作注入生命力 为您提供 3D 贴图所需的全部...
2022-03-11 0

用于在3D 资源上绘制材质和纹理的优秀3D 设计软件 - Adobe 使用标准的3D 绘图软件Adobe Substance 3D Painter 在3D 资源上实时应用纹理、材质和蒙版或UV 贴图。 描述: Substance ...
2022-03-11 0

2022-03-11 0

nCode DesignLife是一款疲劳寿命预测有限元计算分析软件,可对产品进行耐久性设计.分析.,.试验以及管理硬件和软件工具,避免模拟分析您的产品是否超过过度实际负载。30多年来,nCode的产品已...
2022-03-11 0
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