
2023-05-10 0

Nemetschek Allplan 2023是一款用来快速开发3D建筑模型软件的软件,它的简单好用但是功能强大,绝对不输Autodesk,而且人性化的设计更让你可以快速的建立开发及维护你的建筑模型。是与Ar...
2023-05-10 0

bobdule | 6 May 2023 | 184 MB KOMPLETE KONTROL opens the full potential of KOMPLETE series products. Feel the most advanced software tools come to life right under your h...
2023-05-07 0

xcelium是cadence的仿真工具,原型是incisive,对标synopsys的VCS Cadence验证套件针对Arm 设计进行了优化: JasperGold® 形式验证平台:实现IP和子系统验证,包括Arm AMBA® 协议...
2023-05-07 0

x64 | File Size: 496 MB DescriptionAVEVA Production Accounting addresses the pressing issue of unaccounted losses for refineries, petrochemical plants, and other processi...
2023-05-07 0

CSI Perform3D 9.0.0 (1198) | 241.0 mb Computers and Structures, Inc. (CSI) is pleased to announce the availability of CSI Perform3D 9.0.0 (1198). This release increase the nu...
2023-05-07 0

Close All Windows是一款小巧实用的系统优化工具。工作过程中,电脑程序窗口开的过多会导致电脑反应变慢,一个一个关闭很麻烦,还特别容易卡住,这时候如果工作内容又正好没保存的话就相...
2023-05-07 0

File size: 72.92 MB Donemax Disk Clone (also DMclone) helps you to copy the entire contents of one disk drive to another to get two identical drives with the same file st...
2023-05-07 0

File size: 41.09 MB The business card software is equipped with featured design tools to create nice business cards quickly and easily. You can print the cards on your pr...
2023-05-07 0

2023-05-07 0
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