
Synopsys Verdi vR-2020.12-SP1 | 3.2 Gb Synopsys, Inc., the world leader in semiconductor design software, is pleased to announce the availability of Verdi vR-2020.12-SP1 i...
2023-04-15 0

OpenRail Designer CONNECT Edition 2022 Release 1 | 7.4 Gb The OpenBuildings development team is pleased to announce the availability of OpenRail Designer CONNECT Edition 202...
2023-04-15 0

PreScan主要用于驾驶辅助、驾驶预警、避撞和减撞等功能的前期开发和测试。 File size: 9.2 GB PreScan is a simulation platform consisting of a GUI-based preprocessor to define s...
2023-04-15 0

File size: 146 MB Creo Progressive Die Extension (PDX) automates all stages of die tooling design and detailing, increasing design productivity and speeding up the process of...
2023-04-15 0

NCG CAM 是独立的 HSM CAM 系统,能够与现有的 CAD 和 CAM 系统集成(包括 Pro/ENGINEER 和 SolidWorks)。 NCG CAM&n...
2023-04-15 0

File size: 1 GB CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) Works - a module for creating wire EDM NC programs for CNC machines. CAMWorks Wire EDM - includes 2-axis and 4-axis wire ED...
2023-04-15 0

Siemens公司正式发布 2027 Build 3701 NX 建立在现代软件架构之上,开发时的业务重点是提供新功能,同时保护客户数据。 新方法将使西门子的NX客户能够:接收功能更快地增强,以帮助提...
2023-04-15 0

File size: 2.4 GB Altair Feko™ is a comprehensive computational electromagnetics (CEM) code used widely in the telecommunications, automobile, space and defense industries. ...
2023-04-15 0

2023-04-15 0

Cimatron 15 针对工具设计和数控编程引入了数百种新功能和增强功能,以及全新铣削/车削和随形冷却应用及分析工具,这些功能和工具有助于极大地提高生产效率,并最大程度降低模具、冲压模具和...
2023-04-15 0
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