
Creo Expert Moldbase Extension contains customized detailed slabs of slabs and individual elements from all leading suppliers, taking into account the requirements of the main s...
2022-03-12 0

InventorCAM 2021 正式发布! InventorCAM无缝集成于Autodesk Inventor,为CNC编程提供最佳的CAM解决方案 你无需离开Inventor界面! 工作在现有的CAD系统:无缝...
2022-03-12 0

Calibre2021是Mentor Graphics公司专注为深亚微米工艺技术中复杂芯片设计的物理验证挑战而研发的业界第一个最高性能的环境和技术。它基于先进的层次化算法和技术,能够快速、准确、完善的对...
2022-03-12 0

西门子PCS 7系统是完全无缝集成的自动化解决方案。可以应用于所有工业领域,包括过程工业,制造工业,混合工业以及工业所涉及的所有制造和过程自动化产品。作为先进的过程控制系统,SIMAT...
2022-03-12 0

SolidCAM –SolidWorks黄金认证的CAM软件 SolidCAM无缝集成于SOLIDWORKS,为CNC编程提供最佳的CAM解决方案 SolidCAM革命性的加工技术-iMachining无缝集成于SolidWorks—节...
2022-03-12 0

SolidCAM软件支持所有类型的CNC应用,是无缝集成于SOLIDWORKS的CAM软件的领导者。SolidCAM + SOLIDWORKS提供最佳的无缝集成CAD / CAM解决方案: 直接在SOLIDWORKS中运行,无缝集成于同...
2022-03-12 0

Synopsys, Inc., the world leader in semiconductor design software, is pleased to announce the availability of Verdi vQ-2020.03-SP2 is an advanced platform for debugging digital ...
2022-03-12 0

3DQuickForm is a powerful SOLIDWORKS© add-in application for inverse forming simulation. High speed, accuracy, and full associativity with SOLIDWORKS© data are taken into consid...
2022-03-12 0

3DQuickPress® is a SOLIDWORKS® add-on for progressive die design. With a 3D solid model of the part, a 3D strip can be created quickly and easily, and also be communicated clear...
2022-03-12 0

Aldec, Inc., a pioneer in mixed HDL language simulation and hardware-assisted verification for FPGA and ASIC designs, has launched ALINT-PRO 2021.09 is design rule checking (DRC...
2022-03-12 0
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